Jason Knight Commentary: Now Is Not the Time for a Pay Raise for the School Board Director

by Jason Knight


With the Covid-19 Pandemic causing many to be out of work, and without financial means to take care of their families. With individuals who are still contacting me asking for assistance on how they can go about collecting unemployment benefits provided by the state. With Teachers who work hard juggling between virtual and classroom environments while maintaining menial pay. There is no reason why any individual should be receiving an increase in pay in Montgomery County that is almost more than both city and county mayor combined.

After reading an article that outlined the pay increase approved by the CMCSS school board from $165,000 to $230,000 for the school board director; many in our community has communicated to me and thought this was completely fiscally irresponsible during this unfortunate pandemic. With so many facing financial hardships we as leaders and representatives of the community should set an example for those we serve.

I have heard stories from teachers and parents who have expressed their discontent with the school system ranging from IEP/ 504 processes, HVAC issues in some class rooms, pay of substitute teachers being only $9 per hour to lack of supplies and teachers and parents having to fit the bill to provide school supplies for children. Don’t get me wrong there are things I would applaud the director of schools especially working to juggle a transition from traditional to virtual for each student despite some of the challenges faced during the virtual sessions.

However, requesting a pay increase during this juncture shows fiscal irresponsibility on part of not just the director but by the school board as well as communicated to me by citizens in our community. We need to do better and show the people that we are responsible with their tax dollars.

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Jason Knight is the County Commissioner District 18 for Montgomery, Tennessee. 












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